Do you value yourself? Do you attract negative people/situations in your life?
Have you ever wondered why you might fall into the same patterns in life of attracting bad relationships, jobs that make you feel worthless, people putting you down, being criticised? Do you suffer with depression?
Would you say that you often put everyone else first? Do you feel worthless? Undervalued? Undermined? Useless? Stupid? Do you feel that you deserve to be treated badly? Do you carry pain, hurt, bitterness around with you from the past?
Developing a high self esteem is crucial to being happy! So what is self esteem you might ask?
Self esteem quite simply is the value we put on ourselves. Throughout life our self esteem can become damaged by others, damaged in childhood, damaged in relationships. People with high self esteem have a quiet confidence in themselves, they treat themselves well, know their true value, adapt well to change and generally lead happy and successful lives.
Amanda has written this session to help you develop a high sense of self worth. It will help you to let go of past hurts, betrayals, criticism, doubt and build up your sense of true value of self. It is a very true saying that how can others love and value you if you don’t love and value yourself...
The session is extremely relaxing and has been professionally recorded using state of the art digital recording technology. It includes background sound effects and highly powerful voice confusion techniques with different spoken word effects in each speaker to create a wonderfully relaxing deep trance.
Simply listen for 30 minutes, as often as required, and really see your life change as you develop high self esteem!